Saturday 29 June 2013

12 Week Summer Weight Loss Challenge & Link Up

I have been a bit quiet on the blog front.  I have been struggling for inspiration.  Well I've found some!

I found a challenge.  A summer weight loss challenge.

I've been keeping up with different blogs on bloglovin and have been drawn to fitness and weight loss blogs.  I have long struggled with my weight and always seem to be wanting to lose weight but never actually doing it!

But I joined a slimming group, and for the past 10 weeks I've weighing in.  My progress has been slow but mainly because I've had a lack of focus.  I've been weighing in, and kinda watching what I'm eating but not really putting in a great deal of effort.  I've been selling myself short.  Soo ......

Challenge Accepted.

Every Friday Caitlin over at Weights and Measure will post three new mini challenges.  I try to complete the challenges and do a post about my week.

I think this is a great way for me to put in the effort and to stay accountable.

The challenge will run for 12 weeks - which takes us right up to the day before my holidays! What perfect motivation.

This week the challenges are

1. Identify three weight loss goals I would like to achieve or work towards over the next 12 weeks
- I'm nearly there with my goals but I think they deserve a post on their own - stay tuned!

2. Drink 2L of water per day - gonna be a tough one for me, especially with my diet coke addiction!

3. Get active - 30mins of activity per day - sure Bailey will help me out with this one.

Caitlin's been so organised there is even a hashtag! #12wkssummerchallenge so I will be tweeting along as well.

Summer 2013 12 Week Challenge

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. I'm so glad you've decided to join in on the challenge, Clare! If the link-up is still fussy, let me know and I'll see if i can fix it.

    Have a great weekend,


  2. I'm also doing the challenge.. I feel like you too.. kind of unmotivated and lacking focus so I am hoping this will be what I need to get me back on track! Plus I am going on vacation in a month and would love to feel a bit tighter and leaner before I go! Good luck to you :)

  3. Nice! I might pop by and join in too. Good luck!

  4. Yes we have long struggled with our weight but never actually doing it.Slimming group process is slow but finally we got a right result.

    Ephedra & Ephedra Pills
